To determine the strength and direction of the line of best fit based on the provided correlation coefficients, we can analyze each value using general guidelines for interpreting correlation coefficients (r):
- Strong Correlation: |r| ≥ 0.7
- Weak Correlation: 0.3 < |r| < 0.7
- No Correlation: |r| < 0.3
- Positive slope: r > 0
- Negative slope: r < 0
- No slope: r = 0
Here’s the analysis for each correlation coefficient given:
- Strength: Weak because |0.1247| < 0.3
- Direction: Positive slope (since the value is positive).
- Strength: Strong because |-0.9887| ≥ 0.7
- Direction: Strong negative slope (since the value is negative).
- Strength: Strong because |0.7928| ≥ 0.7
- Direction: Positive slope (since the value is positive).
- Strength: No correlation because |-0.000001235| < 0.3
- Direction: No slope (since it is very close to zero).
- Strength: Weak because |-0.5973| < 0.7 but > 0.3
- Direction: Weak negative slope (since the value is negative).
- 0.1247833: Weak positive
- -0.9887632: Strong negative
- 0.79283524: Strong positive
- -0.000001235: No correlation
- -0.59725562: Weak negative
You can select the best description for each correlation coefficient based on the above classifications.