you need to explain just what we are dealing with. I assume
A,B,C are poles across the river
X,Y are positions on your side of the river, 315 feet apart
if you know the width of the river, you can determine the distance
Then you can determine AB and BC
Determine the amount of wire needed to connect poles A, B, C . Without crossing the river, so you must establish a baseline triangulate position of the poles and determine the distance.They aren't in a straight line.
The following measurements are known :
distance between x and y 315 ft. ---- who would this play a role in the diagram? where would it go in position to make the following angles?
There are other angles such as <CXY, < AXB, <BXY, < BYC, < XYB, <AXY, <XYA, <AXC,<XYC, < BXC that are all known. My main problem is I don't know how the distance x - y fits in the problem . I know how to solve once I get past that. Is it the total distance A to C?
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