Determine if the following sentence employ the correct use of commas and apostrophes.TRUE=correct FALSE=wrong

1.The patient is a 41-year-old, white female with a several-month's history of biliary colic.
Thinking comma after old can be eliminated and put after female.
+ no ' needed after month = months.

3 answers

The comma belongs there.

So does the apostrophe except that "several" makes the noun plural, right? Where will the apostrophe go on a PLURAL POSSESSIVE??

Also, did you see my post this morning on one of your questions late last night?

on a plural possessive the apostrophe would go on the outside
ex. several-months' therefore still making this sentence FALSE.

Just found something in my notes that would now totally make this above sentence TRUE!
*If you have a business or an organization OR a hyphenated word, you make only the last word possessive.
Now I am not sure if it's TRUE or FALSE

Yes Thank you for the late night post -I went to bed. I believe I am 3 hours behind here on the West Coast of Beautiful BC Canada.
It's still false!! Plural possessives of regular or semi-irregular nouns end with -s' not 's.

We're about 2 hours apart. I'm in Central time and Ms. Sue is in Eastern time.