Despite being one of the longest periods of prolonged peace, the late-19th century was one of the bloodiest in American history. What role did violence play in shaping conflicts in this period?
3 answers
In many ways, this was a lawless era. Lynchings in the south, shootouts in the west, corruption in the cities.
What exactly does it mean for "violence to shape conflicts"? Does it mean because of violence, things turned out the way that they are now?
A good example of how violence shapes conflicts is to compare the United Kingdom with the United States. I assume there are similar amounts of conflict in these two countries. However, the U.K. has 724 murders per 100,000 while the U.S. has 15,241 per 100,000.
In a way I agree. The lawlessness of 150 years ago set a pattern for some of the violence we see today.
In a way I agree. The lawlessness of 150 years ago set a pattern for some of the violence we see today.