Designation of clamper circuit:

Input Square Wave is described as follow:
V max : 20V
V min : -15v
Frequency : 10kHz

Design a clamper circuit to shift its referecence point so that its reference point is -10V.
Specify all component values and part numbers(if any) used in your design. Show all calculation clearly. Justify any assumption made.

That was the question given. I want to know that in negative clamping this wave so that its reference point goes down to 10v, what should be done? like what should increase or what should decrease? additional capacitors? don't have to give me the specific value but please help me by telling me the rough idea of where i should start and what i should be looking for or notice. Please help me with this as i am totally lost. thank you so much!!

1 answer

I would use a capacitor to clamp the output. The output capacitor will have a 5v charge on it, adding to the wave form. The time constant for discharging should be very long, so as to not affect the shape of the waveform. You can use a zener diode to stabalize the capacitor voltage.