Design an exhibit focusing on the importance of biodiversity.

Congratulations! You have been hired by the largest natural history museum in the world (Miller, 2005). Your first responsibility will be to design an exhibit that emphasizes the importance of biodiversity. The exhibit should focus on the region you have chosen for your final project and should introduce visitors to the causes of wildlife extinction as well as demonstrate ways wildlife extinction impacts our world. When outlining the causes, be sure to show the relationship between deforestation and wildlife extinction in this region and others. In the deforestation segment of your exhibit, you should show estimations of the current and potential impact of deforestation on world cultures. Finally, take the visitors from the land to the aquatic life zones. Describe methods that could be (or already are being) implemented to preserve the present level of aquatic biodiversity. Organize your proposed design in a presentation that you will submit to the museum’s board of trustees. Your presentation should consist of 10 to 15 PowerPoint slides with detailed speaker's notes. Citations of original works within the presentation must follow APA guidelines.

Someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me!!! I am racking my brain so bad for this one and trying to take care of a child and work full time!!!! PLease help!

3 answers

Are u at university? Write an essay.
The instructions are pretty clear. This will take some time in planning on your part. However, start by picking the exhibit theme.
Have you considered orchids? Orchids require trees to support them, and each type of orchid has a specific insect/animal that pollinates it, and each of those has specific food needs (orchids only bloom annually), and the trees have specific canopy height requiements, and fish spread the tree seeds, ...

The instructions are pretty clear. This will take some time in planning on your part. However, start by picking the exhibit theme.
Have you considered orchids? Orchids require trees to support them, and each type of orchid has a specific insect/animal that pollinates it, and each of those has specific food needs (orchids only bloom annually), and the trees have specific canopy height requiements, and fish spread the tree seeds, ...
Yes I am at a University, an online one. And I really wish I could just write an essay it would be so much easier for me! But the instructor wont let me :(