Design an array of individual solar cells that woulproduce 120 volts DC. About how large an area of solar cells would be needed to produce 2 kWe of/ output power at noon on a clear day

1 answer

Assume you tilt the panels so that the solar radiation power hitting them per area equals the solar constant, which is about 1300 Watts per square meter. Then you need to take into account the efficiency of the solar panels in generating electrical power. Do some research of your own on this subject. Current devices being installed for homes and businesses has an efficiency of about 20%; higher values are attainable at higher cost.

This already tells you than each square meter can generate about 260 watts of power.

Use that fact and the electrical power that you required to compute the area needed. The voltage is determined by how many are arranged in series. Each cell produces only a few volts.