Design a survey to collect primary data. List the questions you will ask about this business
My business would be a truck modification. I have seen hundreds of people struggle with getting their large appliances from their truck to their house, but with a lift for the truck would lessen the strain on small moving crews. With the press of a button a large platform will raise from the truck bed and lower to the ground. Push large/heavy objects on lift and hit the button a second time thus raising the truck lift. It will be easy to meet consumer needs as hundreds of Americans (especially in Texas) there are people with trucks struggling to get their miscellaneous truck objects.
With your truck modification, you can address the physical needs of consumers by providing a solution that allows them to transport heavy objects easily and without strain. People have a need for safety, both physical and psychological, which can be addressed by your truck modification Humans have a natural desire for social interaction and connection. By offering a truck modification that simplifies the moving process, you can help consumers enhance their social connections. People also have a need for self-esteem and recognition. By providing a solution that simplifies a task that many struggle with, your business can contribute to fulfilling consumers' esteem needs. Self-actualization refers to the fulfillment of one's potential and the pursuit of personal growth.
1 answer
2. Have you ever experienced difficulty in transporting large appliances or objects from your truck to your house? (Yes/No)
3. How often do you encounter challenges in transferring heavy objects from your truck to your house? (Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely, Never)
4. How do you currently handle the process of moving heavy objects from your truck to your house? (Manual lifting, Seeking assistance from others, Using a dolly or other equipment)
5. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being not satisfied at all and 5 being extremely satisfied, how satisfied are you with your current method of transporting heavy objects from your truck to your house?
6. Are you familiar with truck modifications that assist in lifting heavy objects? (Yes/No)
7. Would you be interested in a truck modification that allows for easy lifting and transportation of heavy objects? (Yes/No)
8. What features or qualities would you look for in a truck modification for lifting heavy objects?
9. How much would you be willing to invest in a truck modification that simplifies the process of moving heavy objects?
10. Do you believe that having a truck modification that simplifies moving heavy objects would enhance your overall quality of life? (Yes/No)
11. Would the availability of a truck modification for lifting heavy objects influence your decision to purchase a truck in the future? (Yes/No)
12. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding truck modifications for lifting heavy objects?