Design a lesson plan on ordering and comparing whole numbers for grade 3 learners. Name learners activities including the content which supports the lesson objectives

1 answer

Lesson: Ordering and Comparing Whole Numbers

Objective: Students will be able to order and compare whole numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least.

Materials: Number cards (1-100), whiteboard, markers, worksheet

Opening (5 minutes):
- Review with students the concept of whole numbers.
- Explain that today we will be practicing ordering and comparing whole numbers.

Introduction (10 minutes):
- Show students a set of number cards from 1-100.
- Ask students to work with a partner to put the cards in order from least to greatest.
- After they have completed this, have students share their orderings with the class.

Main Activity (20 minutes):
- Distribute a worksheet with a mix of numbers to each student.
- Instruct students to circle the smallest number, underline the largest number, and compare the remaining numbers using the symbols <, >, or =.
- Allow students time to work on the worksheet individually, while circulating the room to provide assistance as needed.

Guided Practice (15 minutes):
- Write a set of numbers on the whiteboard and have students come up one by one to order them from least to greatest.
- Discuss with the class why each student made the choices they did and clarify any misconceptions.

Closing (5 minutes):
- Have students share one thing they learned about ordering and comparing whole numbers.
- Review the symbols <, >, and = and their meanings.

- Collect student worksheets to assess their understanding of ordering and comparing whole numbers.
- Observe students during the main activity and guided practice to assess their ability to order and compare numbers.