Design a class named Book that holds a stock number, author, title, price, and number of pages for a book. Include a method that sets all the data files and another that prints the values for each data field. Create the class diagram and write the pseudocode that defines the class.

Design a class named TextBook that is a child class of Book. Include a new data field for the grade level of the book. Override the Book class methods that set and print the data so that you accommodate the new grade-level field. Create the class diagram and write the pseudocode that defines the class.

2 answers

Very basic pseudo code is what we're dealing with. New to OOP and I do not understand it. I'm not asking anyone to simply solve these problems but rather help walking me through them if possible. These are not assignments, just exercises from the book that I'm trying to do on my own time.
class Book
// Declarations
private num stockNumber
private num price
private num bookPageNum
private string author
private string title

//Methods to set the values.
public void setStockNumber(num stockNumber)
this.stockNumber = stockNumber

public void setPrice(num price)
this.price = price

public void setBookPageNum(num bookPageNum)
this.bookPageNum = bookPageNum

public void setAuthor(string author) = author

public void setTitle(string title)
this.title = title

//Methods to get the values.
public num getStockNumber()
return stockNumber

public num getPrice()
return price

public num getBookPageNum()
return bookPageNum

public string getAuthor()
return author

public string getTitle()
return title
