Design a 10-minute activity aimed at improving automaticity in addition for a group of Grade 1 learners.

- Briefly describe the activity and how it will be implemented in the classroom.
- Specify how you would assess learner progress in this activity

1 answer

Activity: "Math Relay Race"

Objective: To improve automaticity in addition through a fun, engaging, and physical activity that reinforces basic addition facts.

Activity Description


  • Divide the class into small teams of 4-5 students.
  • Set up a play area with a start line and a finish line approximately 10 feet apart.
  • Prepare flashcards with simple addition problems (e.g., 1+1, 2+3, 4+1) and place them in a pile at the start line.


  1. Introduction (2 minutes): Gather the students and briefly explain the importance of quick addition skills. Tell them that they will be participating in a Math Relay Race that combines physical activity with addition practice.

  2. Team Instructions (2 minutes): Each team will form a line. The first student in each line will run to the pile of flashcards, pick one, solve the addition problem aloud, and then run back to their team and tag the next student.

  3. Race Execution (6 minutes):

    • The first student picks a flashcard and, using their fingers or drawing a quick sketch if needed, says the answer out loud to their teammates.
    • Once they answer correctly, they can tag the next student to take their turn.
    • If they struggle with the answer, they can ask their teammates for help or return the card to the pile and try another one after tagging their teammate.
    • Continue until all students in the team have had their turn or a set time limit is reached (you can play multiple rounds if time permits).
  4. Wrap-Up (1 minute): Celebrate the teams’ participation and highlight how their speed in solving the problems improved as they continued to practice.

Assessment of Learner Progress

  1. Observation: During the activity, observe each group as they participate. Note their ability to quickly and correctly solve the addition problems. Pay attention to their collaboration and support of one another.

  2. Flashcard Review: At the end of the activity, pull a few students aside and ask them to solve some of the problems faced during the race. This focused interaction can help assess their understanding and automaticity.

  3. Self-Assessment: After the activity, ask the students how they felt about their performance. Did they feel faster or more confident? Having them express their self-evaluation helps understand their perception of their progress.

  4. Individual Progress Tracking: Keep a record of the types of problems students struggled with or excelled at. This can be taken into account for future instruction, groupings, or one-on-one support.

By combining physical activity with math practice, this activity not only improves automaticity but also keeps young learners engaged and motivated.