- Describe your weekly schedule including classes, times, and professors.
- Study -ar verbs and their conjugations.
- Understand the usage of "gustar".
- Learn prepositions of location and how to conjugate the verb "estar".
- Read cultural sections about university life and Spain.
L2 Practice Tips:
Be able to tell about your typical week by describing your schedule for the week including classes, times and professors. If you do not have 3 classes, make up a scenario in which you do.
Study -ar verbs. Should memorize the table on p. 51 and know how to apply these in a question or sentence.
Understand how gustar works and how it is different from an ar verb. Even if I randomize all other questions, THIS WILL DEFINITELY BE ONE OF THE QUESTIONS.
Answer question :
¿Dónde está/están? You will need to know prepositions of location to answer this question as well and how to conjugate the verb estar.
7 answers
### Weekly Schedule
Here’s a sample weekly schedule for you:
- **Monday**
- 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Spanish 101 with Professor García
- 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: History 202 with Professor Smith
- **Tuesday**
- 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Math 105 with Professor Johnson
- 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Spanish 101 with Professor García
- **Wednesday**
- 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Spanish 101 with Professor García
- 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: History 202 with Professor Smith
- **Thursday**
- 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Math 105 with Professor Johnson
- 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Spanish 101 with Professor García
- **Friday**
- 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Spanish 101 with Professor García
- 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: History 202 with Professor Smith
### -ar Verbs and Conjugations
Here is a basic table of -ar verb conjugations (p. 51):
| Infinitive: Hablar (to speak) |
| Yo hablo (I speak) |
| Tú hablas (You speak) |
| Él/Ella/Usted habla (He/She/You formal speak) |
| Nosotros/as hablamos (We speak) |
| Vosotros/as habláis (You all speak, informal) |
| Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hablan (They/You all formal speak) |
### Usage of "Gustar"
The verb "gustar" is used to express likes and preferences. It differs from -ar verbs because it requires an indirect object pronoun. Here’s how “gustar” is used:
- Me gusta (I like it/singular noun or verb)
- Me gustan (I like them/plural noun)
- **Me gusta** la música. (I like music.)
- **Me gustan** los libros. (I like the books.)
### Prepositions of Location and Conjugating "Estar"
Prepositions of location include:
- Debajo de (under)
- Encima de (on top of)
- Al lado de (next to)
- Enfrente de (in front of)
- Detrás de (behind)
- Entre (between)
Conjugation of "estar":
| Infinitive: Estar (to be) |
| Yo estoy (I am) |
| Tú estás (You are) |
| Él/Ella/Usted está (He/She/You formal are) |
| Nosotros/as estamos (We are) |
| Vosotros/as estáis (You all are, informal) |
| Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes están (They/You all formal are) |
### Example Question Practice
1. **Question:** ¿Dónde está el libro?
- **Answer:** El libro está **encima de** la mesa. (The book is on top of the table.)
2. **Question:** ¿Dónde están los estudiantes?
- **Answer:** Los estudiantes están **detrás de** la escuela. (The students are behind the school.)
### Cultural Sections about University Life and Spain
Read about university life and culture in Spain. Learning these cultural aspects will help understand how universities operate differently there compared to other countries. Topics might include daily routines, popular student activities, and distinct traditions.
### Putting it all together
When you present your weekly schedule, ensure to use full sentences to practice your verb conjugations and prepositions. For example:
- "El lunes, tengo una clase de español a las nueve de la mañana con la Profesora García."
- "El martes, tengo una clase de matemáticas a las diez de la mañana con el Profesor Johnson."
Understanding "gustar" can help in forming sentences like:
- "Me gusta estudiar en la biblioteca."
- "Me gustan los profesores de mi universidad."
And finally, practicing "estar" with prepositions helps in conversations:
- "El libro está entre mis cuadernos."
- "La cafetería está al lado de la biblioteca."
This structure will give you a comprehensive approach to mastering these Spanish basics. ¡Buena suerte!
### Weekly Schedule Example
Imagine you have three classes during the week. Here's a simple example:
- **Monday:**
- 9:00 AM – Spanish with Professor García
- 11:00 AM – History with Professor Smith
- **Tuesday:**
- 10:00 AM – Math with Professor Johnson
### -ar Verb Conjugation
-ar verbs are a common type of verbs in Spanish. Here’s how we conjugate them using the verb "hablar" (to talk):
- **Yo hablo** (I talk)
- **Tú hablas** (You talk)
- **Él/Ella/Usted habla** (He/She/You formal talk)
- **Nosotros hablamos** (We talk)
- **Vosotros habláis** (You all talk, informal in Spain)
- **Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hablan** (They/You all formal talk)
Practice forming sentences with these:
- **Yo hablo español.** (I speak Spanish.)
- **Nosotros hablamos inglés.** (We speak English.)
### Usage of "Gustar"
The verb "gustar" means "to like" in English, but it works differently.
- **Me gusta** (I like it/singular)
- **Me gustan** (I like them/plural)
- **Me gusta el chocolate.** (I like chocolate.)
- **Me gustan los libros.** (I like the books.)
### Prepositions of Location and "Estar"
Prepositions help describe where something is. Here are some examples:
- **Debajo de** (under)
- **Encima de** (on top of)
- **Al lado de** (next to)
- **Enfrente de** (in front of)
- **Detrás de** (behind)
The verb "estar" means "to be" for location and feelings:
- **Yo estoy** (I am)
- **Tú estás** (You are)
- **Él/Ella/Usted está** (He/She/You formal is)
- **Nosotros estamos** (We are)
- **Vosotros estáis** (You all are, informal in Spain)
- **Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes están** (They/You all formal are)
Example questions and answers:
- **¿Dónde está el libro?** (Where is the book?)
- **El libro está encima de la mesa.** (The book is on the table.)
- **¿Dónde están los alumnos?** (Where are the students?)
- **Los alumnos están en la clase.** (The students are in the class.)
### Putting It Together
Let's try describing a schedule using fully translated sentences:
- **El lunes, tengo una clase de español a las nueve de la mañana con la Profesora García.** (On Monday, I have Spanish class at 9 AM with Professor García.)
- **El martes, tengo una clase de matemáticas a las diez de la mañana con el Profesor Johnson.** (On Tuesday, I have math class at 10 AM with Professor Johnson.)
For "gustar," try saying what you like:
- **Me gusta estudiar.** (I like to study.)
- **Me gustan los profesores.** (I like the teachers.)
For practice with "estar" and prepositions:
- **El libro está en la mesa.** (The book is on the table.)
- **La mochila está debajo del escritorio.** (The backpack is under the desk.)
Hopefully, this breakdown makes things clearer. Let me know if you need more help or if there’s a specific part you want to focus on!
these are the words
### Conjugation of -ar Verbs
To conjugate -ar verbs, you drop the -ar and add the following endings:
- **yo**: -o
- **tú**: -as
- **él/ella/usted**: -a
- **nosotros/nosotras**: -amos
- **vosotros/vosotras**: -áis
- **ellos/ellas/ustedes**: -an
### Example Conjugations
Let’s conjugate a few verbs from your list:
**Hablar (to talk)**
- Yo hablo
- Tú hablas
- Él/Ella/Usted habla
- Nosotros/Nosotras hablamos
- Vosotros/Vosotras habláis
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hablan
**Bailar (to dance)**
- Yo bailo
- Tú bailas
- Él/Ella/Usted baila
- Nosotros/Nosotras bailamos
- Vosotros/Vosotras bailáis
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes bailan
**Estudiar (to study)**
- Yo estudio
- Tú estudias
- Él/Ella/Usted estudia
- Nosotros/Nosotras estudiamos
- Vosotros/Vosotras estudiáis
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes estudian
### Example Sentences
Let's use these verbs in sentences:
1. **Hablar**
- Yo hablo español. (I speak Spanish.)
- ¿Hablas inglés? (Do you speak English?)
2. **Bailar**
- Nosotros bailamos en la fiesta. (We danced at the party.)
- Ella baila muy bien. (She dances very well.)
3. **Estudiar**
- Ellos estudian para el examen. (They study for the exam.)
- ¿Estudias en la biblioteca? (Do you study in the library?)
### Applying Verbs in Questions and Answers
Here are some questions and how you might answer them:
1. **¿Qué haces los fines de semana?** (What do you do on weekends?)
- **Los fines de semana, yo bailo y descanso.** (On weekends, I dance and rest.)
2. **¿Qué estudias?** (What do you study?)
- **Estudio matemáticas.** (I study mathematics.)
### Full List of Verbs
Here’s how each verb is conjugated in the "yo" form (easier for memorization):
- Bailar – Yo bailo (I dance)
- Buscar – Yo busco (I look for)
- Caminar – Yo camino (I walk)
- Cantar – Yo canto (I sing)
- Cenar – Yo ceno (I have dinner)
- Comprar – Yo compro (I buy)
- Contestar – Yo contesto (I answer)
- Conversar – Yo converso (I converse)
- Desayunar – Yo desayuno (I have breakfast)
- Descansar – Yo descanso (I rest)
- Desear – Yo deseo (I wish/desire)
- Dibujar – Yo dibujo (I draw)
- Enseñar – Yo enseño (I teach)
- Escuchar – Yo escucho (I listen)
- Esperar – Yo espero (I wait)
- Estar – Yo estoy (I am) [Note: Estar is irregular]
- Estudiar – Yo estudio (I study)
- Explicar – Yo explico (I explain)
- Gustar – (Me gusta... for I like... This verb is different, as explained before)
- Hablar – Yo hablo (I talk)
- Llegar – Yo llego (I arrive)
- Llevar – Yo llevo (I carry/take)
- Mirar – Yo miro (I look at/watch)
- Necesitar – Yo necesito (I need)
- Practicar – Yo practico (I practice)
- Preguntar – Yo pregunto (I ask)
- Preparar – Yo preparo (I prepare)
- Regresar – Yo regreso (I return)
- Terminar – Yo termino (I finish)
- Tomar – Yo tomo (I take/drink)
- Trabajar – Yo trabajo (I work)
- Viajar – Yo viajo (I travel)
### Practicing with "Estar" and "Gustar"
**Estar** - Use it for location and temporary states:
- **Yo estoy en la biblioteca.** (I am in the library.)
**Gustar** - Expressing likes:
- **Me gusta bailar.** (I like to dance.)
- **Me gustan los libros.** (I like books.)
### Let's Practice:
1. **Form a question** using an -ar verb:
- **¿Dónde estudias?** (Where do you study?)
- **Yo estudio en casa.** (I study at home.)
2. **Form a sentence** expressing likes:
- **Me gusta cantar.** (I like to sing.)
- **Nos gustan las clases de español.** (We like Spanish classes.)
Practice these patterns until you feel comfortable with the conjugations and sentence structures. You can also create flashcards to help memorize each verb and its forms. Let me know if you need more examples or further explanations!
### Describing a Weekly Schedule
Here’s how you can describe your schedule including the time “las once de la mañana”:
#### Example Schedule:
- **Monday:**
- 9:00 AM – Spanish class with Professor García (Clase de español con la profesora García)
- 11:00 AM – History class with Professor Smith (Clase de historia con el profesor Smith)
- **Tuesday:**
- 10:00 AM – Math class with Professor Johnson (Clase de matemáticas con el profesor Johnson)
- 11:00 AM – Spanish class with Professor García (Clase de español con la profesora García)
### Forming Sentences about Your Schedule
Now let's describe this schedule in full sentences:
1. **El lunes, tengo una clase de español a las nueve de la mañana con la profesora García.**
- (On Monday, I have Spanish class at 9:00 AM with Professor García.)
2. **El lunes, tengo una clase de historia a las once de la mañana con el profesor Smith.**
- (On Monday, I have History class at 11:00 AM with Professor Smith.)
3. **El martes, tengo una clase de matemáticas a las diez de la mañana con el profesor Johnson.**
- (On Tuesday, I have Math class at 10:00 AM with Professor Johnson.)
4. **El martes, tengo una clase de español a las once de la mañana con la profesora García.**
- (On Tuesday, I have Spanish class at 11:00 AM with Professor García.)
### Using -ar Verbs in Sentences
Let’s use some of the -ar verbs you need to study in sentences related to your schedule:
1. **Estudiar** (to study)
- **Yo estudio español a las once de la mañana los martes.**
- (I study Spanish at 11:00 AM on Tuesdays.)
2. **Tomar** (to take/have)
- **Yo tomo una clase de historia a las once de la mañana los lunes.**
- (I take a history class at 11:00 AM on Mondays.)
3. **Llegar** (to arrive)
- **Yo llego a la universidad a las ocho de la mañana los lunes.**
- (I arrive at the university at 8:00 AM on Mondays.)
### Practice with "Gustar" and "Estar"
1. **Expressing Likes with "Gustar"**
- **Me gusta estudiar español a las once de la mañana.**
- (I like studying Spanish at 11:00 AM.)
- **Me gustan las clases de historia los lunes.**
- (I like history classes on Mondays.)
2. **Describing Location with "Estar"**
- **La clase de historia está en el edificio A.**
- (The history class is in building A.)
- **Yo estoy en la biblioteca a las once de la mañana.**
- (I am in the library at 11:00 AM.)
### Answering Questions
Practice forming questions and answers:
1. **¿Dónde estás a las once de la mañana los lunes?**
- (Where are you at 11:00 AM on Mondays?)
- **Estoy en la clase de historia.**
- (I am in the history class.)
2. **¿Qué clase tienes a las once de la mañana los martes?**
- (What class do you have at 11:00 AM on Tuesdays?)
- **Tengo una clase de español.**
- (I have a Spanish class.)
### Prepositions of Location
To further practice, use prepositions to describe where things are relative to each other:
- **El libro está encima de la mesa a las once de la mañana en la biblioteca.**
- (The book is on top of the table at 11:00 AM in the library.)
- **El profesor está al lado del escritorio.**
- (The professor is next to the desk.)
By practicing these sentences and using them in context, you will become more comfortable with -ar verbs, using "gustar," and conjugating "estar" with prepositions of location. Let me know if you need further clarification or additional examples!