Describe twoi ways in which the law protects citizens against such human right violations

1 answer

1. Legal recourse: The law provides a legal recourse to citizens who have had their human rights violated. Various statutes, acts, and rights-based laws exist, which provide legal protection to citizens. In case of any human rights violations, citizens can approach courts, human rights commissions, or other legal institutions for redressal. For example, the Indian Constitution grants fundamental rights to its citizens, which can be enforced through the courts. Similarly, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides a framework for protecting human rights, and international bodies such as the United Nations take up cases of human rights violations.

2. Criminal sanctions: The law also provides for criminal sanctions against individuals or entities that violate human rights. Such sanctions can include fines, imprisonment, or other penalties, and serve as a means of deterrence against such violations. In some cases, criminal sanctions may also include compensation for victims of human rights abuses. Such legal measures help in holding violators accountable for their actions, and signal to others that human rights violations will not be tolerated. For example, the International Criminal Court has prosecuted individuals for crimes against humanity, including war crimes and genocide, thereby detering such violations in the future.