Describe two ways that WWII created more oppurtunities for African-Americans. Be sure to use key terms, such as A. Philip Randolph, Executive Order 8802, the "Double V" campaign, and/or the NAACP.
Describe two way that WWII stripped away the Constituitonal rights of Japapnese-Americans. Be sure to use key terms, such as Executive Order 9066, property losses, internment camps, and/or Korematsu v. United States (1944)
4 answers
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Previously slaves African americans had hopes of entirely earning their freedom and prooving their worth, Philip Randol a civil rights activits he led the brotherhood of "sleeping car porters", he actually caused President Roosevelt to have to issue executive order 8802 this was an amazing result as it enforced fair employment oppurtunities as well as equal pay/oppurtunities and kindness in the work space for African Americans, so the biggest result of WWII in my opinion was enforcing some love for African americasn within the workplace which was much needed because whats the point of being free if you have no money to support and feed yourselves.
check me thats my answer for 1^
You're answer is good -- except that it's one run-on sentence. As it stands, I'd give it a failing grade.