describe two roles of medical staff and two roles health administration that you consider important?

5 answers

Please note that we don't do students' homework for them. If there's not a tutor with this specialty online right now, be sure to go back into your textbook or use a good search engine.

Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.

Since you apparently are studying to be a health care worker, it's important that you answer this question, based upon what you've learned in this class.

If you post your answers, we'll be glad to comment on them.
The two roles I chose was the role of a nurse and the doctor. The role of a nurse in

healthcare is not only to provide medical treatment ,but also to provide individualized,

treatment as well. Nurses are not just people who give shots and take temperatures, they

are also educators, patient management organizers (triage). The nurse do what the doctor

tells them they draw blood, do IV, shots, help making patient comfortable, helping to

restroom. The nurse also need to know what meds the patient is on and making sure the

medicine does not cause an interaction.

The doctor’s role is to examine the patient and prescribe medicines to the patient, order

test. It is the doctor’s responsibility to update the patient’s charts, explaining what the

visit was about and updates any meds for the patient, do referrals, documenting .giving

advice through the nurse, going over test results with the patient. Physicians have a law to

practice by in hospitals. They can only do what they have privileges to do.

The roles of a health administrator have to run the everyday duties of the hospital.

The administrator may have to suspend the doctor for not doing something by the law.

The administrator is responsible for the hospital. The administrator
That's a great start. Now, you just need to proofread it and finish it.
I agree with Ms. Sue.

Be sure to look for subject-verb agreement problems, run-on sentences, missing conjunctions, etc.

Use these proofreading checklists to help:

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