DescRibe the three human rights violations you selected and give at least two examples of such violations you found on your research.

8 answers

Research on human rights violation that has taken place in community
by being abused at home or any way of beaten and that's human rights violation and discrimination is to call the people by using bad names.
right to life
Please answer all the questions
A grade 12 learner of class 2015 from RAMPHELANE was being undermined by his classmates that he wont be suitable to attent university because of his . That learner could'nt afford to feel free in the class, he made many self-introspections and finaly he faild matric.
A grade 12 learner of class 2015 from RAMPHELANE was being undermined by his classmates that he wont be suitable to attent university because of his . That learner could'nt afford to feel free in the class, he made many self-introspections and finaly he failed matric.
Suggestion on human violation