Describe the social, economic, and political composition of the decade of corporate greed and how it affected the political climate of the 1980s.

I'm having trouble catagorizing "social", "political" and "economic".

1 answer

They are not mutually exclusive, as they are interrelated. So categorize them according to main purpose. Take welfare for instance, which obviously fits into all realms: social, political, and economic.

You will not get agreement where welfare fits. Regan's henchmen saw it as an economic was "bleeding"the treasury. But their real motivation was political, as they used it as a whipping boy to rally votes to support them. But I see it as social, as the great majority of those families are in great and desperate need, a social obligation of the first priority. My inner voice tells me to give to the poor.
So where do you catgorize it? I would do it under social programs, as social security, housing assistance, and welfare serve those needs. But others would put it as economic, or political.
You get to choose, and make your arguments to support it. Perhaps you might even make an impact on somebody else's thinking.
Greed is rampant in the world, as is hunger, sickness, and ignorance. Blaming poverty and sickness on itself is just self-justification of the greedy, they have a great need to explain their meanness and seek the company of others like themselves. We don't have to be like that.