Describe the social, economic, and political composition of the decade of corporate greed and how it affected the political climate of the 1980s.

Ronald Reagan he signed an intermediate nuclear forces nonproliferation treaty. Ronald Reagan used tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy and such to stimulate growth and tried to make government smaller. Which this was in line with conservative thinking which believes in less government and more free market involvement in the economy. Ronald Reagan deregulated the lending restrictions for savings and loans. Ronald Reagan's politics created a huge deficit and national debt along with high unemployment. His administration greatly increased defense spending, cut taxes and social services budgets. His administration also saw a record rise in the national budget deficit. Ronald Reagan’s economic policy had four parts. The first part was to reduce the growth of government spending. The second was to reduce income and capital gains marginal tax rates. The third is to reduce government regulation of the economy. Finally the fourth is to control the money supply to reduce inflation

3 answers

Yes. You are definitely on the right track.
oh ok ty ms sue. i now have to figure out what to put in powerpoint and what kind of pictures any ideas?
You're welcome, Scooby.

You may want to use this political cartoon.

Then use the most important points of your paragraph for the rest of the Powerpoint.