Describe the measures of the variables in this research topic, determinant of sammhilder farmers in adoption of advanced farm ( for example binary variables) basing on this independent variables, Education, Age, Extension servises.

1 answer

The dependent variable in this research topic is the determinant of sammhilder farmers in adoption of advanced farm technologies. This variable is likely measured using a binary or categorical scale, where farmers are identified as either having adopted advanced farm technologies or not.

The independent variables include education, age, and extension services. Education is likely measured as the highest level of formal education completed by the farmer, such as primary school, secondary school, or a tertiary degree. Age is measured in years, and may be included as a continuous or a categorical variable. Extension services may also be included as a binary variable, indicating whether or not a farmer has access to such services.

Other potential measures of the independent variables could include variables related to socioeconomic status, such as income or land ownership. In addition, measures of prior experience with advanced farm technologies may also be included as independent variables.