Describe the location of Greek homeland (including Macedonia) before 334 BCE.
Hint: View map one. Then, go to page four and look for Macedonia, the homeland. Next, identify the major lands and bodies of water that surround Macedonia.
1. How did Alexander gain control of all of Greece?
Hint: Go to page two and read what Alexander did to the city of Thebes.
2. By 332 BCE, which regions had fallen to Alexander's army?
Hint: View map two. Then go to page three to see what Alexander conquered by 332 BCE.
3. Why was the Battle of Gaugamela an important turning point in Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire?
Hint: Go to page three and identify what happened to Darius.
4. After Gaugamela, what were the main Persian cities on Alexander's route?
Hint: View map three. Then, go to page three and review the fifth and sixth paragraphs.
5. How far east did Alexander's empire reach? How does this compare to the previous map?
Hint: View map four. Then, go to page three and review the last paragraph.
6. How did Alexander's attempt to make his empire secure help lead to the Hellenistic Age?
Hint: Review page five.
He was spreading a lot of Greek culture.
7. How did the geography of the world change during the period of Alexander's rule?
Hint: Go to page five and review what Alexander did when there were no cities.
The world became more knit together and then it came down to the Hellenistic period.
10 answers
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