describe the life style disease/ behaviour and explain 5 factors that contribute to cancer of the gullet.
2 answers
Thanks for this suggestion. If you are tainlkg about revisions to the standards, there is no process laid out for that yet. There is no CCSS committee : the work team that wrote the standards has finished its work. I had hoped that by now there would be a defined process for revision of the standards some years down the road, but there isn't.As for revisions to the progressions documents, we will use the comments on the blog when making the revisions, so it is well worth while participating. The comment trail on each posting of the progressions shows whatever information about the commenters that they wanted other people to see when they created their WordPress profile. We will do the revisions this summer. However, I'm afraid we don't had the resources to give a detailed explanation of where each change came from. People will just have to look at the revisions and see if their comments were taken into account. However, it's a good idea to acknowledge the posters to this blog, thanks for that idea.