I seriously doubt if any basket ball player works out quadratic solutions when playing, or a sniper, or a diver.
I would apply quadratic equations when designing fire fighting equipment.
Describe the importance of quadratic equations to a basketball player, diver, or even a sniper. Give an example of a real-world situation where you would apply quadratic equations
3 answers
For a basketball player, one can graph the arc of his shot to the basket using a quadratic equation; for a diver, the arc of the dive itself before entry into the water; for a sniper, the change in the level of the bullet as it traverses great distances can be graphed quadratically.
While none of these necessarily measure out quadratic equations before they act, all of them use the mathematical principles in their work.
Although, the use of equipment of firefighters is another wonderful example of the quadratic equations at work!
While none of these necessarily measure out quadratic equations before they act, all of them use the mathematical principles in their work.
Although, the use of equipment of firefighters is another wonderful example of the quadratic equations at work!
hmmm bobpursly, i doubt a "basketball" player, one word not two,would pull out a compass mid court to calculate, but it is exactly what happens in their mind, if not just as an approximation of the definitive exact. I'm sure that there are several "basketball" players with the mentality to do your silly equasions. I am one that can sir, and I imagine the Knicks "Lin" can probably do it if his life were based upon it's completion. Do you do the design of the firefighters gear while putting out a fire? Oh, bye the way,