The introduction of cotton had a significant impact on the political and economic relationship between the Up and Low Country regions. The Low Country, which had fertile soil suitable for growing cotton, emerged as a major cotton-producing region. This led to an increase in the wealth and influence of the Low Country elites, who became politically dominant. Meanwhile, the Up Country, lacking suitable soil for cotton cultivation, began to feel economically marginalized.
The differing views on the United States Constitution further strained their relationship. The Low Country elites, who were generally more established and conservative, supported a strong central government and ratified the Constitution. However, the Up Country, a region with a larger population of small farmers and backcountry settlers, had more libertarian and anti-federalist sentiments. Many in the Up Country opposed the Constitution due to concerns over centralized power and its potential impact on individual liberties.
Overall, cotton cultivation deepened the economic divide between the two regions, while their differing views on the Constitution further contributed to political tensions.
Describe the impacts that cotton had on the political and economic relationship between the Up and Low Country as well as their differing views on the United States Constitution.
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