Describe the human rights violation that is taking place in your community or in the neighbouring community. Give your own position on xenophobia
21 answers
My community is Kalamazoo, Michigan. What is your community?
orange farm
The beating and hatred of our brothers and sisters from neighbouring countries because of lack of employment
Xenophobia is the hatred of foreign people in a country or community seeing them prospering by their own work that we can't even do ourselves
Give the xenophobia position on this issue
human rights violation that has taken place in your community
I Love Lo
human rights violation
By telling them that they are not our country people
describe the chosen human rights violation that is taking place in the community or South Africa
dos ar out brothers and sisters they came from poor countries looking for jobs which here we can't do...He hate dem 4 a truth
dos ar our brothers and sisters. They came from poor countries looking for jobs which here we fail to do....If we fight dos people were will get electricity?
This Is Because us South Africans we lazy to work , nd are very picky when coming to jobs forgetting that we have to work to sustain and maintain our families despite the small money you earn . because they know poverty they are more willingly to work no matter what .
hating on them , u think uu will get employed , no
hating on them , u think uu will get employed , no
I dnt know
bcoz the are people just like us and we should love them,thy are lyk our parents,sister and brother they have opportunity to life in our country so dats the can live better
Human rights violation
Answer of human rights violation that less taken place in your community
do we honestly hate because of their race ,them taking our jobs or do we really hate because theyseem to prosper more than us we feel that by them prospering its like theyare indirectly exposing us on how weak ,indolence and stupid we are because thats what we are, obtuse.the truth is they dont belong here yes,they are as a matter of fact taking our job but what are we doing about it what are we doing to make that, change, nothing instead we kill them.tell how many jobs do we have available now compared the thousands we have killed as far as i know none and let me tell u this we are sitting at home some us thinking i wonder wht i am going the feed my children tmorrow. you know whats our problems south african we are too picky.this is not my standard,my class,what CLASS. wellpoverty an d hunger doesnt have one , it doesnt choose unfortunetly it attacks anyone and you are left dry thats the pity of it.pridy doesnt get you anywhere neither does poverty. its about time we woke up and start woking for our selves and stop blaming it on the very same people who are just desperate to make a living for themselves just like you the only diffrence is that theyare actually doing something about it not attacking people while we sit and feel sorry for ourselves.tell me how many people that hve been involved in this xenophobic attack have jobs today 0 percent they gained nothing but hunger