Compound: A compound is a substance formed when two or more different elements chemically react and combine together in fixed proportions. The new substance formed has different properties than the original elements and cannot be separated by physical means.
For example, water (H2O) is a compound composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It has unique properties such as boiling point, freezing point, and density, which are different from the properties of its component elements.
Mixture: A mixture is formed when two or more substances are combined physically, without any chemical reaction. In a mixture, the substances retain their original properties and can be separated by physical means.
For example, a mixture of salt and sand can be easily separated by using techniques like filtration or evaporation. In this case, salt and sand are not chemically bonded to each other, and they can be present in any proportion in the mixture.
describe the following
compound and mixture
1 answer