Describe the factors that result in less surface runoff at c

1 answer

Certain factors can contribute to less surface runoff at a particular location. Some of these factors include:

1. Permeability of the soil: If the soil is highly permeable, meaning it has a good ability to absorb water, there will be less surface runoff. This is because the water will have the opportunity to infiltrate into the soil rather than flowing over the surface.

2. Vegetation cover: Vegetation, such as plants and trees, can play a significant role in reducing surface runoff. The roots of plants help to improve the soil structure, creating channels for water to penetrate into the ground. Furthermore, the leaves and branches of plants intercept rainfall, reducing the force with which it hits the ground, and allowing more time for infiltration.

3. Slope of the land: Areas with a gentle slope tend to have less surface runoff compared to areas with steep slopes. This is because the water has more time to infiltrate into the soil and less force to flow downhill.

4. Infrastructure: The presence of infrastructure, such as paved roads, concrete surfaces, and buildings, can increase surface runoff. These impermeable surfaces prevent water from infiltrating into the ground and instead direct it towards drainage systems, causing more runoff.

5. Climate and rainfall intensity: Regions with low rainfall or gentle rainfall over a longer duration are likely to experience less surface runoff compared to areas with heavy rainfall in a short period. This is because a lower intensity rainfall allows more time for infiltration, while heavy rainfall can overwhelm the soil's ability to absorb water, resulting in more surface runoff.

6. Soil compaction: Compacted soils have reduced permeability, leading to increased surface runoff. This can occur due to factors such as heavy machinery, foot traffic, or urban development. Compacted soils prevent water from infiltrating and instead result in more runoff.

By considering these factors, it is possible to identify measures that can be taken to reduce surface runoff and manage water more effectively in a given location.