Describe the distinct differences between lineages, clans, moieties, and phratries are all types of decent groups.

Lineage is a descent group that can demonstrate their common descent from a known apical ancestor. depending on whether they through mother respectively
Clan is a descent group that claims common descent from an apical ancestor (but often cannot demonstrate it, or "stipulated descent"). Often, the details of parentage are not important element of the clan tradition. Non-human apical ancestors are called totems. Example: of clan are found in Chechen, Chinese, Irish, Polish, Scottish, Tlingit, and Somali societies.
Moieties are a descent group that coexists with only one other descent group within a society. (A society into two halves, usually exogamous).
Phratries is a descent group composed of two or more clans each of whose apical ancestors are descended from a further common ancestor. (people cannot marry someone belonging to their culture.

1 answer

In your own words, what are the differences?

For instance, lineage groups know who the common ancestor is. Clans usually do not know who s/he is.