Greek scholars, such as Aristotle and Ptolemy, made significant contributions to the fields of natural philosophy and mathematics, laying the foundation for later scientific breakthroughs.
Jewish scholars, such as Maimonides and Isaac Newton, made important contributions to physics and mathematics, including the development of calculus.
Muslim scholars, such as Al-Khwarizmi and Ibn al-Haytham, played a critical role in the development of astronomy, optics, chemistry, and mathematics.
Renaissance scholars, such as Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus, challenged traditional beliefs and helped to establish the scientific method, as well as making significant contributions to anatomy, physics, and astronomy.
Overall, each of these groups of scholars contributed unique perspectives and ideas to the Scientific Revolution, paving the way for modern scientific advancements.
Describe the contributions of Greek, Jewish, Muslim, and Renaissance scholars to the Scientific Revolution.
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