Read this article very carefully.
Which events do you think are positive? Which are negative?
Describe some positive and negative events of the trustee period, and provide your own evaluation of the rule of the trustees as either generally a success or a failure.
i have searched online i cant find anything can someone please help out
8 answers
which section does it say that? i cant find it?
Read! Read! Read!
It takes most people longer than 2 minutes to read that article carefully!!!
It takes most people longer than 2 minutes to read that article carefully!!!
can you just please tell me the answer>?
It's this kind of irresponsible and repugnant begging for answers that got you banned last week.
Don't cheat yourself out of an education. Do your own work!
Don't cheat yourself out of an education. Do your own work!
Don't be a jerk!
Umm that's Wikipedia and you can change it so yea