Read lots and take good notes. Remember not to plagiarize.
Describe some effects of the rise of communism in the Soviet Union..
I don't entirety understand this, i looked at my text and got confused because it mentions communism and all that but its all spread out, and it doesn't really say what the effects are. Can someone help?
25 answers
nobody want to read and study all of that just give the answers i hate you
HEY at least Writeteacher is TRYING to help jeez are you one of those spoiled brats from gacha life or something?
yeah, don't be so rude
guys don't argue
Well the ones on the top are from like a year ago so it's a one sided conversation
Wow just wow.
GIVE ME ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@-_- How bout no :)
This is surprising.
I know ther5e are many things about the rise of 5communis5 in the Soviet Union, but i'll look at the downside of it's rise. Communism took hold of Russia back in the 19005s do to the poor getting restless with the rich. They wanted5 a new sys5tem and oh boy t5hey sure got it. Although there were some red flags no one seemed to worried but they s5ure found out how bad it really 5is... The rise of communism in the Soviet Union caused many to starve to death. And what ever you owned could be taken by the state your land, your house, your5 life. One orde5r from a governme5t staff member and 5 life could flash before your eyes. All free press was gone and you spoke out saying you hate communism? Youll never be seen again..
annynoamous u are rude
Lol your name is sheating from the other questions
can some one just answer the question for us please I have tried everything just to find the answer at it has sent me back to square one *Howls* AWOOOOOO
Tsar Nicholas II had to give up his throne. Russia and other parts of the former Russian empire together formed the USSR.
This may not be right but it's something you can put. Do it in your own words
This may not be right but it's something you can put. Do it in your own words
dont be rude!!\
Annonymus us right toally bros
Some of the side effects might be causing them to starve im not a hundred percent sure
Some of the effects were with the uprising it caused many to starve to death whether you were a small child or a grown up, another was that the state could take anything they wanted from you, and that means practically anything really
Now I did some research on this and looked through some other jiskha pages, Hope you pass
Now I did some research on this and looked through some other jiskha pages, Hope you pass
you guys are so annoying and i hate you writeteacher ur just knockoff ms.sue bozo
Nah.... jit trippin fr tho i like hotdog u need to chill my buy ain't nobody fighting your fr
the heck
arguing more than you're answering
Guys don't fight, this is a website to help each other, not be spoiled brats.