describe how you could adjust the settings of the simulation to increase the number of red (h3o+) and blue (A-) particles in the solution of equilibrium in three to four sentences justify your answer and explain how and why this would change the PH of the solution
ht t ps://p het .colo rado.e du/sim s/html/ acid-base-s olutions/ latest/acid-ba s e-solutio m l
(cant post URLs sorry for all the spaces ):
2 answers
I don't know anything about this simulation. Sorry about that. However, if you can post equations and tell me what you're adding I can help you know what will shift the equilibrium and or change the pH of the solution.
Describe how you could adjust the settings of the simulation to increase the number of red (H3O+) and blue (A-) particles in the solution of equilibrium.