Describe how the Cold War ideology that crystallized after WWII changes wartime alliances that had existed during the war

Decribe how American Cold War policies and preactices influenced international realtions from the late 1940's to the mid 1950s

3 answers

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I don't want you to do my homework. I am an older student now, and am not able to follow History as well as I used to. I just want to be pointed to the right direction. The chapter does not help me out any. Am getting dizzy with this history class.
During World War II, the Soviet Union was one of our allies against Germany and Japan. After the war, however, the Soviets embarked on an expansionist policy, the U.S. tried to prevent some of this, and both sides rattled swords at each other. The discovery and use of the atomic bomb added another dimension to this saber-rattling.

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