Describe how plate tectonics is related to the formation of volcanoes.

· Which type of plate margin commonly forms volcanoes?

· Name one of the most popular volcanoes in the United States or the world.
Discuss if the volcano is active, and how it has impacted the area.


6 answers

Take your pick of the site and click on it.

Probably the most famous volcano in the world is Mount Vesuvius.
I expect the most popular volcano in the U. S. is Kilauea in the Hawaiian Islands. Probably the most popular one in the continental U.S. is Mt. St. Helens.
Name one of the most popular volcanoes in the United States or the world. MT. Saint Helens in Washington State
· Discuss if the volcano is active, and how it has impacted the area.

i am not sure how to answer the next question cant find it
Check this site for Mt. Saint Helens.
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