Describe how Greco-Roman civilization influenced society and culture in Europe during the Middle Ages.(1 point)ResponsesGreco-Roman civilization influenced Europe during the Middle Ages in its decision to undertake the Great Schism.Greco-Roman civilization influenced Europe during the Middle Ages in its decision to undertake the Great Schism.Greco-Roman civilization influenced Europe during the Middle Ages in law, government, art, language, and knowledge.Greco-Roman civilization influenced Europe during the Middle Ages in law, government, art, language, and knowledge.Greco-Roman civilization influenced Europe during the Middle Ages to use Arabic numerals and speak vernacular languages.Greco-Roman civilization influenced Europe during the Middle Ages to use Arabic numerals and speak vernacular languages.Greco-Roman civilization influenced Europe during the Middle Ages in the use of reason in philosophy and the worship of Greco-Roman deities.
1 answer
1. Law and Government: The legal and political systems of ancient Rome, such as the concept of the rule of law and the establishment of democratic institutions, had a lasting impact on the development of European legal and governmental structures.
2. Art: Greco-Roman artistic styles, such as realistic sculptures and elaborate mosaics, were admired and emulated by European artists during the Middle Ages. This influence can be seen in the architecture, paintings, and sculptures of the period.
3. Language: The Latin language, inherited from the Romans, was the dominant language of the Catholic Church, academia, and political documents during the Middle Ages. Latin served as the lingua franca across much of Europe and influenced the development of national languages.
4. Knowledge: The preservation and transmission of knowledge from ancient Greece and Rome, through works such as Aristotle, Plato, and the writings of Roman historians, greatly influenced European intellectual and cultural development during the Middle Ages.
5. Arabic Numerals: Although not directly from Greco-Roman civilization, the use of Arabic numerals, which were introduced to Europe by Islamic scholars during the Middle Ages, became widespread in Europe. These numerals, which are still used today, replaced the previously dominant Roman numerals.
6. Vernacular Languages: Alongside Latin, the influence of Greco-Roman civilization encouraged the use and development of vernacular languages in literature and poetry. This shift from Latin to vernacular languages allowed for a wider dissemination of knowledge and literature among the general population.
7. Philosophy and Religion: The use of reason in philosophy, as exemplified by Greco-Roman philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, had a profound impact on European intellectual thought during the Middle Ages. This rationalistic approach influenced the development of scholasticism, a philosophical and theological system used in medieval universities. Additionally, the worship of Greco-Roman deities persisted in various forms throughout the Middle Ages, particularly in the reinterpretation of ancient myths and the veneration of saints.