Describe how external examination are conducted in the country (not less than 350 words)

1 answer

External examinations are an important component of the education system in many countries as they provide an objective assessment of a student's knowledge and skills. These examinations are conducted externally, meaning they are administered by independent bodies or organizations separate from the educational institutions. This essay will provide an overview of how external examinations are conducted in a country, focusing on the different stages and processes involved.

The first step in conducting external examinations is the development of examination standards and content. This is typically done by a national or regional examination board, which consists of experts in the subject areas being assessed. The board is responsible for creating the examination syllabus, which outlines the topics and skills that will be tested. This syllabus is often revised periodically to ensure it is up to date and reflects the current curriculum.

Once the examination content is developed, it is time to design the exam papers. This involves creating a variety of questions that assess different levels of knowledge and skills. These questions can take various forms, such as multiple-choice, short answer, or essay questions. The examination board ensures that the questions are fair, unbiased, and aligned with the syllabus.

After the exam papers are designed, they are printed and securely stored until the examination day. Laying the groundwork for the examination includes identifying suitable examination centers across the country where students will take the exam. These centers are typically schools or other educational institutions that meet specific requirements, such as having adequate facilities and trained invigilators.

On the day of the examination, invigilators are responsible for ensuring a fair and secure testing environment. They verify the identity of the students, distribute the examination papers, and enforce the rules and regulations set by the examination board. Invigilators are trained to handle any issues that may arise during the exam, such as suspected cheating or technical difficulties.

Once the examination is completed, the answer scripts are collected and securely transported to the examination board for marking. Marking is a critical stage in the process, as it determines the students' performance and grades. The examination board employs trained examiners who use specific criteria and marking schemes to assess the students' responses. To ensure objectivity and fairness, blind marking is often used, meaning the examiners are unaware of the students' identities.

After marking is completed, the examination board compiles the results and prepares the necessary documents, such as individual result statements or certificates. These documents are then distributed to the schools, where students can collect them or have them sent home. In some cases, the examination board may publish the results online to allow students to access them directly.

Overall, conducting external examinations in a country is a complex and multi-stage process. It involves the development of examination standards and content, designing the exam papers, identifying examination centers, ensuring a fair testing environment, marking the answer scripts, and distributing the results. These examinations play a crucial role in assessing students' knowledge and skills, providing them with qualifications and certifications that are recognized and valued in various educational and professional contexts.