Describe European and
American colonizers’
relationships with
Indigenous Americans.
(1 point)
From the moment of
first contact,
European and
American colonizers
wanted to use the
resources of the
Americas for their
own gain. This often
descended into
cruelty toward
Indigenous people
by colonizers, but
this was quickly
quashed by the U.S.
From the moment of
first contact,
European and
American colonizers
wanted to use the
resources of the
Americas for their
own gain. This was
done with great
respect for the
people already living
on the American
continents. Sadly,
this respect slowly
turned into cruelty
1 answer
and exploitation as colonizers realized the potential for wealth and power through the subjugation of Indigenous Americans. This led to violent conflicts, forced displacement, and attempts at assimilation through cultural suppression and land grabs. The U.S. government played a significant role in supporting these actions, leading to centuries of discrimination, marginalization, and injustice towards Indigenous communities. Throughout history, there have been some efforts at reconciliation and recognition of past wrongs, but the legacy of European and American colonization continues to have lasting effects on Indigenous Americans today.