Describe at least three potential indoor air quality

(IAQ) hazards in your home. What are the possible health impacts of each hazard? Do
you believe your health is at risk based on your exposure to the three IAQ hazards? Why
or why not? What can you do to reduce exposure to the hazard

2 answers

Since we have never been in YOUR home, obviously, only YOU can anser this question.
Be careful to identify the hazard rather than the accident or even a mixure of the two. For example, a cable lying across the floor is a hazard. It is not a 'trip hazard' as the cable can cause/result in more than one accident.

So indoor air quaility related hazards could be

pollen (from indoor plants)
radon (gas from primarily igneous rocks under the building)
deoderant sprays

you will need to research what the potential health effects could be.

Use a scoring system for risk that combines the consequence with the frequency.

When considering "What can you do to reduce exposure to the hazard" (v badly worded in my view) don't forget the 1st choice is always to remove the remove the hazard if you can, e.g. don't have flowering plants in the house or don't use deoderants.

Hope this helps.