Atmosphere: During the Precambrian era, the atmosphere was composed of mostly carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor. This composition was much different than the current atmosphere, which is composed of mostly nitrogen and oxygen.
Hydrosphere: During the Precambrian era, the hydrosphere was much more active than it is today. There were more shallow seas and oceans, and the water was much warmer than it is today.
Lithosphere: During the Precambrian era, the lithosphere was much more active than it is today. There were more volcanoes and tectonic activity, which led to the formation of mountains and other landforms.
Biosphere: During the Precambrian era, the biosphere was much less diverse than it is today. There were only simple, single-celled organisms, and no complex life forms.
Describe at least one way in which each of Earth’s subsystems was altered during the Precambrian era.
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