You probably need to expand on "centralization." What did early Americans mean by that word?
You also need to expand on what those early Americans thought "abuse of power" could mean. And you might also include what today's Americans think "abuse of power" means.
You have the general statements right. Now you need to add some examples or specifics.
Describe an argument that States Rights advocates might use to make their case that the centralization is a bad thing. Include specific examples of centralization.
*This is a written response. Could anyone check my answer*
States rights advocates say that centralization can lead to abuse of power. And abuse of power can lead to all sorts of things.
I know my answer needs some work. Can someone help me to make this answer better please?
9 answers
There are many places online where you can find such information, not to mention things that have happened and/or are happening in real life.
Here's an excellent place to learn the initial ideas behind "states rights."
Choose "Creating a Nation" to explore.
Here's an excellent place to learn the initial ideas behind "states rights."
Choose "Creating a Nation" to explore.
Ok. Thanks for your help Writeacher!
You're welcome. Be sure to post it again if you want me to give it another read when you're done.
States rights advocates say that centralization can lead to abuse of power. And abuse of power can lead to all sorts of things. If you can think of nowadays politicians abuse of power by starting random wars and so many other things. But there's also times in the past where people have abused power with centralization. People are thrown in jail because they didn't want to fight a war and they didn't have to if they didn't want to.
Can you check my answer now Writeacher?
Can you check my answer now Writeacher?
States rights advocates say that centralization can lead to abuse of power. And abuse of power can lead to all sorts of things.<~~Those two sentences need to be joined, especially since you used "and" at the beginning of the second one.
If you can think of nowadays politicians abuse of power by starting random wars and so many other things. <~~The first part of this sentence fragment seems to contain an error when two thoughts are combined, but not smoothly. Please re-word and make sure it becomes a complete sentence.
In addition, you need to be MUCH more specific: "random wars" and "so many other things" are not clear. You avoid vague wording like that by providing SPECIFIC examples!
But there's also times<~~"there's" is singular while "times" is plural; they need to match! in the past where<~~a place? or a time? Use the right pronoun, either for place (where) or time (when) people have abused power with centralization.<~~Exactly who and how; give specific examples.
People are thrown in jail because they didn't want to fight a war and they didn't have to if they didn't want to.<~~There's some strange wording going on in the last ten words, not to mention being vague, just as in your sentences above. Who has been thrown into jail? What war didn't they want to fight?
Please be sure to replace all the vague parts of your reply with SPECIFIC examples.
If you can think of nowadays politicians abuse of power by starting random wars and so many other things. <~~The first part of this sentence fragment seems to contain an error when two thoughts are combined, but not smoothly. Please re-word and make sure it becomes a complete sentence.
In addition, you need to be MUCH more specific: "random wars" and "so many other things" are not clear. You avoid vague wording like that by providing SPECIFIC examples!
But there's also times<~~"there's" is singular while "times" is plural; they need to match! in the past where<~~a place? or a time? Use the right pronoun, either for place (where) or time (when) people have abused power with centralization.<~~Exactly who and how; give specific examples.
People are thrown in jail because they didn't want to fight a war and they didn't have to if they didn't want to.<~~There's some strange wording going on in the last ten words, not to mention being vague, just as in your sentences above. Who has been thrown into jail? What war didn't they want to fight?
Please be sure to replace all the vague parts of your reply with SPECIFIC examples.
I hope all that doesn't seem harsh to you. It's not intended to be, although I know that anything written online tends to "sound" different from the way it's intended. All I'm trying to do is to get you to add specifics after each of the general statements.
Let me know if anything up there doesn't make sense to you.
Let me know if anything up there doesn't make sense to you.
That response is good AND all but you can’t start a sentence with “and”, just sayin.
not reading allat midarcher