One significant social change in medieval Europe that played a role in European colonization was the shift in feudalism and the emergence of a new economic system known as capitalism.
During the Middle Ages, feudalism dominated Europe's social and economic structure. Feudalism was a hierarchical system in which the land was owned by lords and the majority of the population, known as serfs, worked the land in exchange for protection and a share of the crop produced. This system lacked geographical mobility and limited opportunities for social advancement.
However, in the late Middle Ages, several factors led to the decline of feudalism and the rise of capitalism. The Crusades, which occurred between the 11th and 13th centuries, exposed Europeans to new cultures, goods, and ideas from the Middle East, sparking a desire for exploration and trade. Moreover, the devastation caused by the Black Death in the 14th century destabilized the feudal system, diminishing the labor force and giving peasants more bargaining power for higher wages.
As feudalism began to weaken, European societies started experiencing a transition towards capitalism. Capitalism was characterized by the accumulation of wealth through trade and industry, as well as private ownership of land and resources. The growth of urban centers, such as trading cities and commercial hubs, resulted in the development of a merchant class that accumulated wealth through trade and sought opportunities to invest in new ventures.
The newly emerging capitalist system placed great importance on the acquisition of wealth, leading to the search for new trading routes and sources of valuable goods such as spices, silk, and precious metals. This desire for economic growth, coupled with Renaissance-era discoveries in navigation, stimulated European countries to embark on explorations and colonial ventures.
The push for colonization in medieval Europe was driven by a combination of factors, including the transition from feudalism to capitalism, the desire for new trade opportunities, and a quest for wealth and resources. These social changes laid the foundation for European powers to establish colonies around the world, leading to the age of European imperialism and extensive global influence during the subsequent centuries.
Describe a social change that occurred in medieval Europe that caused European colonization.
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