derive expression to show that how drag force is dependent on velocity of moving object in fluid

1 answer

There are many such expressions, depending upon the size, speed and shape of the object and the viscosity of the fluid.

A commonly used expression is:

Drag = (1/2)*(fluid density)*V^2*A*Cd
where A is the frontal cross section area facing the flow and Cd is a dimensionless constant (the "drag coefficient") that is usually obtained expermimentally.

Usually 0.1 < Cd < 1

With recent advances in computers and fluid dynamics software, Cd can be now calculated in many cases.

Cd depends upon two dimensionless numbers, the Reynolds number (rho*D*V/mu)and the Mach number (V/a).
rho = fluid density
mu = fluid viscosity
a = speed of sound.
At normal speeds of objects on the ground, the Mach number dependence can be ignored.