1. Alliance between multiple countries to pledging to defend Berlin if necessary - This event was the creation of NATO, with the purpose of providing a collective defense against the Soviet Union and its allies in the aftermath of World War II.
2. International peacekeeping - This event refers to the creation of the United Nations, with the purpose of promoting international cooperation and maintaining peace and security around the world.
3. The Soviet Union's alliance with nations it aligned with - This event was the creation of the Warsaw Pact, with the purpose of establishing a military alliance among the communist countries of Eastern Europe as a counterbalance to NATO.
4. Stalin's attempt to keep the rest of the Allied powers from unifying their sections of Germany's capital - This event refers to the Berlin Blockade, where Stalin attempted to blockade West Berlin in order to prevent the reunification of the Allied sections of Germany's capital under Western control.
dentify these post-WW2 events with their intent/purpose(4 points)
Alliance between multiple countries to pledging to defend Berlin if necessary International peacekeeping The Soviet Union's alliance with nations it aligned with Stalin's attempt to keep the rest of the Allied powers from unifying their sections of Germany's capital
Creation of the United Nations
Berlin Blockade
Creation of NATO
Warsaw Pact
1 answer