Democracies and social democracies differ significantly from totalitarian and theocratic structures of government. In totalitarian structures, rulers have unlimited power, and this power is vested in one leader or a group of people who are not elected. Their citizens do not participate in the activities of government. Under theocracies, the government’s laws are based on religious laws, and the leader is typically part of the clergy.
Which of the following synthesizes the impact of diverse government structures on society and human rights?
Government structures that offer strong protections for human rights create stronger social institutions and more freedom in society whereas government structures that offer weak protections for human rights create unequal societies.
Government structures that offer strong protections for human rights create oppressive societies because of stronger government regulation, whereas government structures that offer weak protections for human rights allow more freedom.
Government structures, whether they offer strong or weak protections for human rights, are not connected to how society functions; societies are shaped by culture and the economy, not by government decisions.
Government structures that offer strong protections for human rights create weaker social institutions and less freedom in society whereas government structures that offer weak protections for human rights create free societies.
5 answers
Democracies put many restrictions on the press, while authoritarian governments enable a free press to thrive.
Democracies enable a strong civil society in which the people are able to influence their government, while authoritarian governments constrain civil society.
Democracies give unlimited power to the executive over civil society, while authoritarian governments concentrate more power in legislative bodies.
Democracies reject the idea of pluralism, while authoritarian governments give the people the ability to influence government officials directly or through political parties and interest groups.
laws and rights created as part of regular laws by governments in order to ensure peace
laws and rights created by governments to limit the powers of government and to protect freedom
laws and rights that exist independent of human law and cannot be given or taken away
laws and rights created by governments to help protect the freedom of the people and to keep them safe