Definitions from Ephesians 2 :1-30 list 6 and define each that assisted toward your Exegesis and Explanations

1 answer

Ephesians 2:1-10 contains rich theological themes and concepts that are pivotal for understanding the text. Here are six key terms from this passage, along with their definitions and relevance to exegesis:

  1. Dead in Trespasses and Sins:

    • Definition: This phrase refers to the spiritual state of individuals before receiving salvation. It indicates a separation from God due to sinfulness and disobedience.
    • Exegesis Explanation: Paul emphasizes the dire spiritual condition of humanity without Christ. This sets the stage for the necessity of salvation and provides a backdrop for understanding God’s grace.
  2. Grace:

    • Definition: Grace is understood as the unmerited favor of God toward humanity. It is the means by which individuals are saved, not through their own works.
    • Exegesis Explanation: Paul highlights that salvation comes as a gift from God through grace, reinforcing the theological principle that human efforts are insufficient for redemption. This contrasts with the previous state of being dead in sin, showcasing the transformative power of divine grace.
  3. Faith:

    • Definition: Faith is the belief and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is the means by which individuals accept God's gift of salvation.
    • Exegesis Explanation: Paul stresses that faith is integral to salvation. This underscores the belief that salvation is not a result of works but a response to God’s grace through faith, affirming the Christian doctrine of justification by faith.
  4. Workmanship:

    • Definition: The term refers to the idea of being created or crafted with purpose, akin to a piece of art or a masterwork.
    • Exegesis Explanation: Paul uses the term to illustrate that believers are created anew in Christ for good works. This emphasizes not only the transformative nature of salvation but also the purpose of believers' lives post-conversion—to carry out good works as an expression of their faith.
  5. Citizenship:

    • Definition: This concept relates to belonging to a community or nation, in this case, the kingdom of God.
    • Exegesis Explanation: Paul discusses the shift from being outsiders to becoming citizens of God’s kingdom through Christ. This notion of citizenship conveys the inclusion and unity of Gentiles and Jews in the body of Christ, breaking down barriers and promoting reconciliation.
  6. Reconciliation:

    • Definition: Reconciliation refers to the restoring of friendly relations and peace, particularly between God and humanity, and among individuals.
    • Exegesis Explanation: Paul emphasizes that through Christ, both Jews and Gentiles are reconciled to God, and to each other, overcoming enmity. This theme is central to the overall message of Ephesians, which promotes unity within the body of Christ and the broader implications for community life.

These definitions aid in the proper exegesis of Ephesians 2:1-10 by providing foundational concepts that illustrate Paul’s theological vision of salvation, human identity in Christ, and the nature of the Christian community. Each term plays a vital role in unpacking the text's theological and practical implications.