A keystone species is an important animal in a habitat that helps maintain balance and diversity. An example of a keystone species in the ocean is the sea otter.
Sea otters play a crucial role in the marine biome as they feed on sea urchins, which helps control their population and maintain healthy kelp forests. Sea otters are also known for their playful behavior and often wrap themselves in kelp to use as a floating bed while resting.
In the marine biome, sea otters have a specific niche as predators of sea urchins and other small invertebrates. They spend most of their time in the water, foraging for food and resting by wrapping themselves in kelp. Sea otters give birth to their pups in the water and provide constant care and protection until the young otters are old enough to survive on their own.
Definition of keystone species
- Example of keystone species in the marine biome (sea otter)
- Niche and life cycle of the sea otter in the marine biome
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