Define these terms in your own words.
1. Immanent
2. Religion
3. Theistic
4. Monotheistic
5. Profane
6. Polytheistic
7. Monistic
8. Dogma
9. Nontheistic
10. Transcendent
11. Incarnations
12. Kensho
13. Atheism
14. Agnosticism
15. Rituals
16. Symbols
17. Myths
18. Orthodox
19. Routinization of charisma
20. Absolutists
21. Charisma
22. Fundamentalism
23. Phenomenology
24. Liberal
25. Mysticism
26. Heretic
27. Sacred
28. Soul
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Note the name of this site = HELP Forum. We do not DO the work for you. There are some excellent online dictionaries. Enter one word at a time and look up the meanings. Then, take it from there! We'll be glad to proofread your work after you do it.
example: 1. immanent = : remaining or operating within a domain of reality or realm of discourse : INHERENT; specifically : having existence or effect only within the mind or consciousness — compare TRANSCENDENT
Now put that into your own words.