Define the geological time scale and explain why geologists use it to show Earths History.

27 answers
you cant trust Wikipedia. some of the information I got was wrong and failed my test from Wikipedia.
You probably failed your test if you plagiarized.
i dont have a clue
Because of how long earth have been alive, scientists have to use the GTS to look at earth history. The GTS is looking at rocks in earths crust and core to see what happened while that rock was still above the ground. But, because things have eroded away, scientists have to look at multiple layers, and have to look in multiple places.
Omg Beezchurger is right. I passed! yay thx
Thanks Beezchurger for the great answer~A.T.
Also, May Starclan be with you!🌟~A.T.
Wikipedia is also an option!
mispelt on porposd btw agent t starclan lol
Ms. Sue I will eat your soul.
if you take the answers from this site with outputting them into your own words then you are plagiarizing
just so y’all know ms sue passed away😭
joe mama ur so rude and anyway Bill is lying because she just helped a bunch of people today so yall better not belive Bill
what the hell guys your rude joe mama
how old was she
People are people
Because of how long the Earth has been geologists use the geologic time scale to organize how far down the fossils or artifacts are. The geologic time scale shows the rocks and crust and how everything looked in the past times. Without the geologic time scale it would be very hard to organize all of earths history and document it.
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. c
9. a
10. c
11. c
12. b
13. a
14. a
15. do on your own
16. do on your own
17. do on your own
[Insert Response Here]
How you is Ms. Sue?
Thank you beezchurger
Miss Sue did pass. The tutors made a post about it when she passed away. I forgot when she passed though. It was around 2019. So please respect her.
This is Ms. Smith at Connections Academy. This is a test question and if you copy this answer, as I see that one of my students just did, you will be written up, just like this student will be.

This is a violation of the Honor Code and could lead to expulsion. It is a serious matter. We even allow corrections up to full points back if you miss a question AND you are allowed to use your notes, textbook, etc. when you do. There is no excuse for this. Stop cheating, yes, it is cheating; put some effort into your school work and use what you were given...YOUR BRAIN!
lol why is a connections academy teacher here? Makes no sense at all ngl