Context clues are hints or information provided within a text that help readers understand the meaning of new or difficult words. These clues can be found in the words, phrases, and sentences surrounding the unfamiliar term. Types of context clues include:
1. Definition Clues: The unknown word is directly defined within the sentence, often following phrases like "which means," "that is," or "or."
2. Synonym Clues: A synonym of the new word is used nearby, providing a similar word that can help infer its meaning.
3. Antonym Clues: An antonym or opposite of the new word is presented, usually signaled by contrasting words such as "but," "however," or "unlike."
4. Example Clues: Specific examples are given to suggest what the new term could mean.
5. Inference Clues: The meaning of a word is not directly provided, but enough information is available in the surrounding context for readers to infer the meaning.
6. Explanation Clues: Additional information or an explanation is given that helps define the word.
Context clues are a critical reading strategy, enabling readers to decipher meanings without having to stop to look up every word they don't understand, thereby aiding in the development of vocabulary and reading comprehension.
Define the following terms:
Context Clues
1 answer