Define each word

Market research
Market positioning
Market penetration strategy
Market share
Target market
Customer profile survey
Public relations
Press release
Community events
Internet advertising

1 answer

Market: a place or system where goods and services are bought and sold.

Market research: the process of gathering information about a market to understand its size, competition, and customer needs.

Market positioning: the process of establishing how a product or service is perceived by consumers compared to competitors.

Market penetration strategy: a plan to increase market share by selling more of a product to existing customers or by entering new markets.

Market share: the percentage of a market that a company or product controls.

Target market: a specific group of consumers that a company aims to sell its products or services to.

Customer profile survey: a questionnaire that collects information about customers' preferences, demographics, and buying habits.

Publicity: the practice of generating media coverage and attention for a company or product.

Public relations: the management of communication between a company and the public to build and maintain a positive image.

Press release: a written statement distributed to media outlets to announce news or events related to a company.

Community events: activities or gatherings organized by a company to connect with and engage the local community.

Advertising: the promotion of a product or service through paid messages in various media outlets.

Internet advertising: advertising that is displayed on websites or social media platforms to reach potential customers online.

Slide Deck: a presentation that consists of a series of slides containing information or visuals to communicate a message effectively.