def main():

floor = 10 # floor starts from 10

total_suites = 0 # counter initialized to 0 to keep total of suites of all floor

total_occupied = 0 # counter initialized to 0 to keep total available suites of all floor

while(floor <= 16): # Check floor is till 16 only

if floor == 13: # skip floor 13


# ask user to input number of total suites on given floor

total = input("Number of suites on floor "+str(floor))

while True:


occupied = input("The number of Occupied suites:"+)

#Check the entered user input for available suties on given floor

if 0 > occupied or occupied > total:

raise ValueError # Incorrect input will raise error message and re-ask for input

break # correct input will break out of this inner loop

except ValueError:

print("Please enter correct input")

continue # Re-ask for input

total_suites += total # Calculating the total number of suites

total_occupied +=occupied # Calculating the total number of available suites

floor +=1 # increase the floor

occupancy = (total_occupied/total_suites) * 100

if occupancy < 50:

occup_status = "Poor Occupancy"

elif 50 <= occupancy <75:

occup_status = "Acceptable Occupancy"


occup_status = "Excellent Occupancy"

print("Total Suites : "+str(total_suites))

print("Total Occupied Suites : "+str(total_occupied))

print("Occupancy Percentage : "+str(occupancy)+" % "+occup_status)

if __name__ == "__main__":


1 answer

it is showing error